GSMA Panel Discussion About m-learning
by Geoff Stead

You know that mobile learning has moved into the mainstream when network operators, and the mobile data industry starts to
get excited. At the 2013 Mobile World Congress, it started!
GSMA hosted a series of events exploring the opportunities for their members (operators, mostly) in this emergent area:
1: GSMA Seminar on the Future of mEducation:
The packed event included sessions by Graham Brown-Martin (slides here); Our own Peggy Johnson, EVP and President of Global Market Development at Qualcomm (slides here); George Held, VP at Etisalat (slides here) followed by a debate with Florence Gaudry-Perkins (Alcatel-Lucent), Vanessa Lucio (Telefonica Learning Services) and others.
2: Launch of a report from the Broadband Commission on technology and education
3: Live panel discussion between Qualcomm, mEducation Alliance and Etisalat looking at the future of this (no longer emerging) idea of m-learning.
Click below to see it:
(clicking will take you to their site: http://www.mobileworldlive.com/ff)
Our conversation was streamed live, to all the huge screens around Barcelona, which was a bit surreal! The contributors are:
- Geoff Stead (me) ─ Head of Mobile Learning at Qualcomm (@geoffstead)
- Rebekah Levi from Mobile Education Alliance
- George Held from Etisalat
The focus was fairly broad. Currently, most operators are thinking of use cases in schools, or universities while we are much more focused on the enterprise, where we see much quicker results and clearer ROI.
What do you think?