Case Studies
Virtual Photo Booth – building a global team culture
by Geoff Stead

Imagine if your global business had “portals” in each office, allowing staff to teleport back and forth, and meet remote colleagues? Would that support your global company culture?
Qualcomm’s Virtual Photobooth App is a light hearted way to meet senior execs based in buildings far away!
Qualcomm has almost 30,000 employees spread across 40 countries. Between us we speak almost 70 languages and come from well over 100 nations. So – truly global. Yet the heart of our business remains very connected to the ideals of our founder (Irwin Jacobs), and our main campus (San Diego). We are proud of this heart – and always looking for ways to help remote staff feel a little more connected to the main campus, and the leadership based there.
Our Virtual Photobooth app uses augmented reality to allow employees to take photos with senior execs, or occasional celebrities who happen to visit one of our offices. See for yourself
Light hearted? Certainly
Doing good? We certainly hope so. We have certainly had a lot of downloads, and positive comments.
Good showcase? Absolutely. We have several of our partners and clients asking for their own!
How did we make it? We built native apps, in both iOS and Android, using the open source vuforia platform
Would this help your organisation? What are you doing with mobile to support global culture?