Mobile Experts
Designing mLearning
by WorkLearnMobile
Clark Quinn of Quinnovation offers us an Expert Insight from, how he terms it, his “strange and twisted” view of the world. In fact his view of the world, and the m-learning world in particular is one of great pragmatism. He takes us through some of the principles of m-learning design – what matters and why – and continually applies it to the needs of organizations and their learners.
He distinguishes between mobile e-learning and true m-learning. What is it that mobile brings to his basic tenets of learning technology: content; compute; communicate; capture? By adding a mobile component you move into a powerful world of context and timeliness.
Clark emphasizes the importance of using m-learning for the right learning rather than seeing it as a replacement for all other types of learning. It is at its best when used to augment formal learning with small enriching morsels of information. Looking at m-learning as a means of providing performance support with the timely delivery of information is a great approach.
Do I need to carry all this knowledge in my head, if I can access it quickly and readily, via alternate means?
Clark definitely sees mobile as a channel to support activity and as part of a bigger picture. Adding mobile as a layer to all your learning creates an intelligent performance solution. By using m-learning to get learners to the next small stage, you can maximize the marginal return on each piece of learning and in turn make a real difference to the needs of an organization.
When it comes to design, if you get it right you’re on solid ground from the off, get the design wrong and the rest doesn’t matter because it won’t be accessible. You must be prepared for iterative attempts, and be prepared to measure what you achieve in order to make the best decisions during each iteration.
If you want to see some more of Clark you can check out his blog: learnlets.com.